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5 Ways To Boost Confidence

November 8, 2017

As my birthday rapidly approaches, twenty-six is feeling a tad older than I expected it to, heck I’m officially going to be in my upper 20’s! These are the years where I’ve always pre-destined my “plans” to begin. And while I may not have it all figured out just yet, I can say that at 26 I’m feeling more confident in my own skin than I ever have.

But trust me- this has been 26 years in the making. I’ve gone through plenty of ups and downs, and I’ve ย lacked confidence in every aspect of my life, including my weight, my skin, outfits, even my writing, and Iย  think that’s normal. Going from college, where a bodycon dress is an appropriate outfit on a Thursday night, to an industrial business conference where panty hose are required can down right confuse a girl. Not to mention, these days lash extensions, and a never-ending tan have become the norm, and it can begin to feel like regular old you doesn’t cut it anymore. But that’s just not true, and the world has proven to me over and over again that I’m most attractive and successful when my confidence shines through. So, at the ripe old age of almost 26, here are my five ways to boost your natural confidence, allowing you to forget the filter and life your best life. Continue Reading

Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle

Luke’s Lobster Chicago- Review

September 13, 2017

Hey everybody! I know it’s been awhile since I posted on the blog. Somewhere between the E and O of SEO I lost my mojo, but I’m back in true Life’s A Beacham fashion with a restaurant review about a little place called Luke’s Lobster. This post needed to be written, not just for the food porn you’re about to enjoy (some of my best yet) but because of the extremely kind efforts on Luke’s Lobster’s part to make sure we had a delicious yet safe, gluten-free lobster roll. So, no more excuses, you know the drill- if you’re dying to see my first everย gluten-free lobster roll, keep scrolling to checkout my Luke’s Lobster Chicago review! Continue Reading

Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle

Chicago Beer Classic – Event Recap

May 13, 2017

Welcome Friends! As you can probably tell from the title of this post, this past weekend was a very new and different experience for me- I attended the 2017 Chicago Beer Classic. And yes, I know what you’re thinking, “Al, in what world would a gluten-free blogger attend a beer festival” but friends- this time was different, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Continue Reading

Featured Lifestyle Money

10 Reasons To Clean Out Your Closet Right Now

February 23, 2017

Spring is cominggg! Ok not really- anyone who lives in Chicago knows that this weather is a mean trick played on us by the weather gods to keep us all from flying south for the winter. I mean come on- the forecast shows snow for Saturday, yet this week weย hit a high of 68 degrees. However- embracing the warm weather while it’s here, I’ve embarked on a massive closet clean out- and I have to say it’s been wildly successful. My soul, wallet, and sanity are all exhaling with relief and I’m going to share with you my top 10 reasons why you should clean out your closet right now! Or maybe this weekend… you feel me? Let’s do this!


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Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Uncategorized

Valentine’s Day Breakfast: Gluten-Free & Paleo

February 12, 2017

Valentine’s Day is coming up! For those of you looking to spice up your day- I’ve concocted a quick, healthy Valentines’s day breakfast that is gluten-free & paleo! This waffle recipe, paired with a fancy homemade latte is perfect for surprising your significant other- or for treating your fabulous self on the day of L.O.V.E.


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